One of the fun things about the slower parts of January and February in the photography world is that many of us enter a world wide contest put on by Shoot and Share, a community that brings together the best tools for photography businesses as well as inspire with their database of amazing images.
The Shoot & Share Contest is all about the photos. No names are shown, so every photo is judged on its own merit and because of this, it's fair. It is judged by everyone. Everybody who's anybody can vote, even your cat or dog if you train them correctly. There are no links to your photos and they are displayed equally to all voters. You see 4 photos, you pick the best, and repeat.
Each photographer can enter a maximum of 50 images divided among 25 categories; It's nearly impossible to know which of your own photos are going to be the ones that other people love best, but 81 Million votes and 100,000 people don't lie. Each photo is viewed and voted on hundreds of times, through 12 rounds of voting and elimination until top placement categories are announced.
I have entered this contest for 3 years but never take it very seriously. It's more about the fun of voting for these amazing images you see, or spotting your friends work, or knowing your still in the rounds (Because, the only way you know is when you see your profile heart count go up when a voter favorites an image).
I'm pleased to say that out of the smattering of images I randomly threw in, mostly because they were sized properly and required no "extra" work, that I am happy with my placements. I think I'll try to be more mindful for next years contest though because I have some amazing images, that this contest needs to see! But for now, let me leave you with my placement images to have a look at.
Thanks for stopping by!
Top 10% Kids Category: 2,913th / 52,643 entries
Top 20% Families Category: 7,288th / 41,257 entries
Top 20% Babies and Toddlers Category: 8,128th/41,322 entries
Top 20% Creative Category: 3,387th / 18,262 entries
Top 20% Babies and Toddlers Category: 7,960th / 41,322 entries
Top 30% Babies & Toddles Catagory: 9,498th / 41,322 entries
2018: Top 20% lifestyle & documentary category
2017: Top 20% Wanderlust Category