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365 March

Jen Bullied | Viva City Studios Photographer |

Hello all you Lovelies! Can you feel it? Spring is here! The flowers are pushing up, the blossoms are starting to bloom and for the first time this year, we were running around without jackets, breathing in the fresh air and playing with the dirt. Time for gardening, spring cleaning and renewal.

This month, I feel like I didn't stretch my creative muscles as much as I would have liked. In fact, I almost feel one of my 365 fears became a reality; the boredom and mundane was really hard to push through. I'm tired of shooting my house. I'm tired of shooting the playground and yet these are the activities and places we constantly are. I feel repetition is setting in but I don't want to loose my motivation, so onward I plug, in search of connection. My month at a glance, and not just my favorites. I'll post them all this time and when you get to the end, please click on the link to my fellow photographer blog circle and check out what they've all been up to this month too!

60/365 - Found my Marbles! #blue #colourstudy #weeklychallenge

61/365 -Babe's Blue Eyes #Colourstudy #blue #weeklychallenge

mr. blue eyes

62/365 - My Birthfair Booth.

I was so happy with how it all turned out!

63/365 - Michelle's Magnets

A big shout out to Michelle Stephen and her pint-sized adorable magnets. She showcased with me at the Birthfair so I could do the event photography and still have a person at my booth. Her little portraits were well received!

64/365 Prin's Boots

65/365 sibling love

66/365 - A not so rice lunch. See what I did there? I despise cleaning up rice. Anything but "nice" to describe this mess!

67/365 - My book worm.

Shot through the glass of my interior french doors. I love the distortion here.

68/365 - The Great Thaw. Teased in Febuary with a few nice days and then snap! Mother Nature got all cold and released a fury of snow on us. These little flowers are pushing up even as the last remains of snow are still around.

69/365 - My Niece was slotted in for an Alice in Wonderland themed 1st Birthday Cake smash today. You can see some favorites from it on this blog post HERE.

70/365 - Girls Can Fly.

What an amazing event! The Sky's no Limit is a non profit organization that aims on getting females into the aviation industry. With the help of sponsors and the Abbotsford Airport, we got to check out planes, talk to pilots and even take a flight in a helicopter!!

71/365 - Sickies. Well, no glamourous shots here. Just keeping it real when every person came down with colds this week.

72/365 - Dirt.

Colds aside, everyone was marginally better today. Maybe the warm 20 degrees Celsius had something to do with that. It felt wrong to be inside so we went out fir a bit. Theo found dirt and I let him have at it. I mean, it's cleaner than the mud I've been trying to keep him out of for the past 4 months.

73/365 - Reading Together.

74/365 - Trinkets & Treasures.

Miss S. and her backpack full of the odd things she's been gifted to by me or her friends. I was especially taken with the fact that she has hung on to the styro packing peanut that I gave her because it's shaped like an "S" for her initial.

75/365 - Daddy's Hat

76/365 - Little Leprechauns.

Completely off focus but somehow, for me, it's fabulously flawed. Let's call it Art. LOL

77/365 - Classic Faux Soap Hawk

78/365 - At the top of the tree, there is a room....

Any They Might Be Giants Fans out there? No? Okay, maybe no room but definitely a window.

79/365 - Spring Break Tickles

80/365 - Upside Down!

81/365 - I like slides! Royal Heights Park

82/365 - Kadence.

An adventure to Terra Nova Park. It's a long way to the top of this rope ladder and 2 story twisty slide!

83/365 - Rainy Day

84/365 - Cullen. Grow up little dude! Mr. T needs a playmate!

85/365 - Daddy brought home a new thing. Replica Green Bay Helmet and the only person it fits is Theo.

86/365 - Down the BIG slide. All by yourself.

87/365 - Flip-a-roo

88/365 - Theo Meets Micah.

89/365 - Egg Hunt at Grandpa George's

90/365 - Spring Break Silly String Fight! So much fun having friends over that we haven't seen in ages! Even more fun when you tell them to appease your 6 year old and her want for a silly string fight!

And there it all is folks! My March 365. Click on over to Margaret's Blog to see what her March shaped up to look like. Thanks for stopping by and viewing mine :)

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